Welcome to Dashmesh Abacus

Children’s Whole Brain Development Programme from 5 – 12 years

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Why Dashmesh Abacus ?

Abacus training not only improves the mathematical calculation ability but also results in development of the following brain functions –

About us

Welcome to Dashmesh Abacus

Dashmesh Abacus is an institute, established in 2019 focusing to introduce and implement an innovative and exiting perspective to boost the learning power of the students. Dashmesh Abacus is affiliated with India’s smartest abacus organization Shree ji Smart Abacus.

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Our USPs

  • Software based learning as well as practice sessions
  • Software allows customization of speed as per class / individual speed
  • Curriculum designed with 2 classes per week In-depth and extensive practice sessions
  • National/State Level competitions – once a year

About Abacus

It is known as a counting device used to do mathematical calculations. Calculation based on abacus was invented in ancient times. Children do fast calculations in mind by visualising skill smarter Abacus bead movements.

Benefits of Abacus

  • Boosts better and faster calculation skills.
  • Increases endurance for stress and pressure.
  • Improves problem-solving abilities.
  • Teaches clear logical reasoning.
  • Sharpens concentration and observance.
  • Develops confidence and self-esteem.
  • Heightens stronger mental visualisation skills.
  • Enhances photographic memory.
  • Sharpens listening skills.
  • Makes mathematics meaningful, useful and fun.
  • Provides a solid learning foundation for addition, substraction, multiplication and division.
  • Increases memory power and sharpens overall mental formation.


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